Lower Eyelid Surgery
Recovery time can vary depending on the procedure performed. Below are some of the lower lid surgical procedures performed at Denver Cosmetic Surgery.

Skin Pinch and Skin-Flap Only Blepharoplasty
Excision of excess skin is referred to as a “skin pinch.” It is a quick and safe method of removing excess skin on the lower eyelid. The incision is concealed in the crease below the eyelashes.
A similar but slightly more extensive procedure is the skin- flap only blepharoplasty which allows for more skin to be removed along with elevation of the skin, the incision for this procedure is in the crease below the eyelashes as well.
Subciliary Blepharoplasty
A subciliary blepharoplasty approach is a more sophisticated procedure that involves the removal of excess skin as well as protruding fat through an incision in the crease below the eyelashes. Protruding fat causes bags under the eyes and can also produce dark circles under the eyes, which can be improved with this procedure. They are due to a shadow cast by light falling on the fat bulge, which acts like a shelf (skin pigmentation is a less common cause of dark circles under the eyes).
Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty
A transconjunctival blepharoplasty involves the removal of excess fat through an internal eyelid incision. Although it may sound startling, it is one of the safest methods. Dr. Khoury anesthetizes the area without the patient feeling it. Occasionally, there is some excess skin left after the removal of fat, which can be eliminated with a skin pinch. Recovery from this procedure is similar to upper eyelid surgery.