
5 Summer Habits That Cause Skin Damage

Ms Pineapple enjoying the beachOnce the weather warms up, most people cannot wait to soak in the sunshine. It is tempting to shed winter clothes and jump into the pool to cool off. Before participating in outdoor recreation, however, it is crucial to be aware of the summer habits that can cause skin damage. Skin damage can lead to premature signs of aging as well as skin cancer, so kick these common skin blunders early on!

1. Neglecting Your Sunscreen

It is a common misconception that folks with sensitive skin need protection from the sun more than others, but the truth is that everyone is equally exposed to harmful UV rays no matter how prone they are to sunburns. Applying sunscreen before your outdoor summer activities is important for people of all skin types to avoid developing skin cancer and wrinkles.

2. Forgetting to Wear Lip Balm With SPF

Not only does the hot summer sun dry out the delicate skin on our lips, but it can also cause skin cancer and fine lines. Even habitual sunscreen users tend to leave their lips vulnerable to UV rays, so making sure to keep SPF-loaded lip balm handy is key.

3. Not Drinking Enough Water

Dehydration is never good, but it is especially dangerous during the sizzling hot summer. The whole body needs water to function properly, and that includes the skin. Dehydration can cause overproduction of oils in the skin, leading to unsightly breakouts. It can also make the skin dry and itchy. Drinking plenty of water helps maintain hydration, and eating lots of fresh fruit can help as well.

4. Running the Air Conditioner All Day

Those sweltering summer months make many people desperate to blast the air conditioner, but too much AC can dry out the air and, consequently, your skin. Keep your electric bill down and your skin hydrated by making it just slightly less chilly in your home.

5. Taking Long, Hot Showers

Even when you spend the entire day in the warm weather, a hot shower can still feel comforting. Resist the urge to take long, hot showers, though, because it can exacerbate the drying effect of the summer heat. Your skin will thank you if you keep showers short and tepid.

Reversing Premature Aging

Laser Resurfacing to reverse sun damage by Dr. KhourySometimes we do not realize just how much damage we have done to our skin until it is too late. Premature facial aging can be disheartening. Dr. Edmon Khoury performs multiple types of facial rejuvenation procedures.

For more information about facial rejuvenation, be sure to schedule your consultation with Dr. Edmon Khoury today. Call (720) 475-8400 or fill out our online contact form.

Is Eyelid Surgery Right for Me?

Cosmetic eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty, will take years off of one’s appearance and provide an overall refreshed look to the face. The procedure can be performed on either the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, and it is a popular choice for both men and women.

Eyelid Surgery Before and After Photos

Many patients want to improve the areas around their eyes but are unsure if this particular procedure is ideal for the results they desire. Since no two patients are alike, the best assessment will be determined during a face-to-face complimentary consultation with Dr. Khoury. To start, here are a few ways to determine if eyelid surgery may be the right choice for you.

Can You Relate?

Sagging Upper Eyelids

Excess skin on the upper eyelids can make you appear to express certain emotions you are not feeling. Others may think you are tired, sad, or upset when you actually feel happy or indifferent. The upper eyelid lift will improve this by removing excess skin. A forehead lift is another option that will lift the forehead, which may also tighten the upper eyelids. Dr. Khoury will make a full assessment of your facial anatomy to determine whether the sagging is caused by the tissue and muscles of the forehead pushing downward on the brows. Either procedure will create a refreshed appearance that will help your true emotions show through.

Discomfort or Blocked Vision

If your upper eyelids are drooping to the point where they cause discomfort or impede your vision in any way, upper eyelid surgery (or a forehead lift, as mentioned above) will improve it. In some cases, your surgery may be covered by insurance. If your ophthalmologist has determined that you have visual field obstruction and require surgery to correct it, that is all the information the insurance company needs. Dr. Khoury is free to determine the exact procedure and technique that will solve the problem and give you aesthetically pleasing results.  

Puffy Upper Eyelids

If you have a puffy or swollen appearance below your brows, an upper eyelid lift will remove any excess fat and tissue to provide a smooth and natural appearance. The effect will be subtle, without changing the unique characteristics of your eyes that make you recognizable.  

Under-Eye Bags, Droopiness, and Dark Circles

A lower eyelid lift will address bags beneath the eyes, dark under eye circles, and drooping lower eyelids. Sometimes a facelift can also add improvement in this area, but if these few things are your main concern, a lower eyelid lift is likely the best option.

“Crow’s Feet” and Droopy Outer Brows

If smile wrinkles around the eyes, also known as “crow’s feet,” are a concern, a temporal brow lift may be the ideal procedure. It mainly addresses the outer area of the brow nearest the temple to correct minimal sagging and wrinkles; a full brow lift (sometimes referred to as a forehead lift) will lift the entire position of the brow.
If you are interested in any facial sculpting procedure offered by Dr. Edmon Khoury, please call (720) 475-8400 or fill out our online contact form today.

Facelift and Neck Lift FAQs

Common Questions About Facelifts and Neck Lifts

shutterstock_138449282As we age, the skin on the face and neck tends to lose collagen and elastin, which causes wrinkles and sagging skin to develop. While various factors like sun exposure, weight fluctuations, and the natural aging process greatly affect the severity of these conditions, most individuals begin to notice them in their 30s and 40s.

Aging in the face can produce the following:

  • Sagging skin in the midface
  • Wrinkles around the eyes
  • Nasolabial folds (creases around the nose and mouth)
  • Loss of definition along the jawline (jowls)

Aging in the neck can produce the following:

  • Double chin (excess fat deposits beneath the chin)
  • Vertical bands in the neck
  • Sagging skin in the neck

By eliminating the signs of aging in the face and neck, Dr. Edmon Khoury is able to restore a youthful appearance. Although he regularly performs traditional facelift and neck lift procedures that have proven effective for many years, Dr. Khoury also offers the innovative Smartlift™. As one of only five surgeons in the country who performs this method of facial rejuvenation, Dr. Khoury has refined this technique to give patients satisfying results without the added time needed for recovery from regular facelift and neck lift treatments.

If you’re considering a facial cosmetic procedure like a Smartlift™, facelift, or neck lift to restore a youthful appearance to your face, continue reading our FAQs for more information.

What is the estimated healing time for a Smartlift™?

Typical recovery time for a facelift is two to three weeks, but Dr. Khoury utilizes a laser in a unique way that allows him to perform a facelift almost bloodless. This accelerates healing and recovery time. Most of his patients can integrate back into public between five and seven days. Many have done it as soon as three days post-operatively.

How is this different from other facelifts?

Depending on what bothers the person and the physical signs, most patients need their lower face and/or neck addressed. Dr. Khoury performs the gold standard facelift that provides the best natural results and longevity. Utilizing the laser allows for an expedited recovery that is typically 10 to 14 days shorter than if  the same facelift were performed without the laser.

How is this laser different?

This is not one of the typical lasers that dermatologists or plastic surgeons use to resurface the skin, which are comparable to a chemical peel. The laser Dr. Khoury operates is used in an entirely different way. It allows him to perform the procedure without any bleeding, which translates to less downtime and a quicker recovery.

How long has Dr. Khoury been in practice?

Dr. Khoury has been in private practice since 2006. More importantly is the amount of experience he has in what he does. He exclusively performs facelift/neck lifts and cosmetic eyelid procedures. As a result, the number of cases he has done during his years in practice is more than most plastic surgeons perform in a lifetime. He has performed almost 3,000 facelifts and approximately 2,500 eyelid surgeries.

How will I feel under local anesthesia?

Most of Dr. Khoury’s facelifts are performed under a local anesthetic. Although this is done using the same anesthetic patients receive at a dental office, Dr. Khoury does also sedate patients mildly with an oral medication similar to Valium. This takes the edge off, and patients are very comfortable throughout the procedure. The worst part of the procedure is the numbing process, and most patients report that this is easier than what they experience at the dentist. Once numb, the patient will not feel any pain. Due to the sedative, most patients do not even remember the experience. Depending on medical history and the patient’s preference, Dr. Khoury can also perform surgery under IV sedation and general anesthetic.

What kind of discomfort can I expect?

This can vary but is not typically a painful ordeal. The worst of the discomfort is centered around neck tightness. The sensation of neck tightness remains for a while, but the most pain is the first night. For most patients, typical pain medication with an occasional muscle relaxer makes this a very tolerable experience. The majority of patients are off pain medications between 36 and 48 hours after the procedure. They may still require muscle relaxers (non-sedating ones) for a few more days from that point forward. If the neck is not addressed, the amount of discomfort is minimal.

When can I wear makeup?

You can start wearing makeup the day after your surgery, avoiding any suture lines. Be very gentle when applying makeup for the first two to three weeks post surgery.

When can I exercise or go back to physical activities?

You may return to exercise and physical activities two weeks after your procedure. Make sure you slowly get back into your routine, as you might feel more run-down the more active you get. Before skiing, golf, and swimming, we usually require three to four weeks of healing time. Since the procedure is performed under local anesthesia and due to the quick recovery facilitated by the laser, patients do rebound quickly. We do want people to be active as soon as possible, and it is usually okay to walk and do some restricted physical activity within the first week. Dr. Khoury will review this at your pre-op appointment.

To determine which cosmetic facial procedures you are best suited for, we encourage you to schedule a personalized consultation by calling (720) 475-8400 or by filling out our online contact form today. Double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Edmon Khoury and his experienced staff look forward to seeing you soon!

Choosing an Expert Eyelid Lift Surgeon: Things to Consider

Woman considering eyelid surgeryHow to Have Safe and Effective Eyelid Surgery

Choosing to have cosmetic surgery around your eyes is a very important decision. The eyes are “the windows to the soul,” the first place others look when they speak to you, and one of the main areas where we express emotion. Even with minor adjustments, the eyelid lift can completely change the way you look, and it can affect the way you see the world around you. With this in mind, it is important to choose an expert eyelid lift surgeon for your procedure.

1. Credentials

Did you know that any person with a medical degree and a state license can legally perform plastic surgery? This is why we hear so many horror stories in the media about botched procedures. Many men and women choose less experienced “surgeons” in hopes of saving money, but they end up paying much more than they bargained for with their botched results.

When choosing a surgeon to perform your eyelid lift, it is important to choose a surgeon that is board certified. Certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) indicates that a surgeon has broad knowledge of how to perform all cosmetic surgeries. It ensures that the surgeon’s skills have been evaluated and reviewed extensively and that several years of training have been completed. This should be a minimum requirement when considering a surgeon. Dr. Khoury has surpassed this level of training with specialized double board certification by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology. These credentials guarantee that Dr. Khoury has focused the majority of his training on surgeries of the face, head, and neck and that he has met all the training and testing requirements set by these prestigious boards.

2. Experience

When it comes to choosing a qualified plastic surgeon, experience is important. You should evaluate the surgeon’s years in practice as well as the number of eyelid lift surgeries he or she has performed. During a consultation, you can ask to see the surgeon’s before and after photos to help validate their experience and skill and to get an idea of the results you can expect. Dr. Khoury has performed thousands of eyelid lift procedures over his many years in practice in Colorado and Dubai. He is dedicated to continued education in the field of facial plastic surgery and remains current with the latest technology and techniques for every procedure he performs.

3. Reputation

A good indicator of an expert plastic surgeon is their reputation among their peers and patients. A surgeon who gives frequent lectures to other surgeons, teaches at a university, or is published in peer-reviewed journals is more than likely an expert in his or her field. Dr. Khoury was selected as a surgical trainer for the Lifestyle Lift, a medical group that performs the largest number of facial rejuvenation procedures in the country. Dr. Khoury regularly attends conferences and delivers lectures and training to his peers. He is also highly esteemed by many of his satisfied patients, which is evident on various online reviews like HealthGrades and RateMDs.

Questions to Ask During a Consultation

In summary, here are a few questions you should ask when looking for an expert eyelid lift surgeon:

  1. Are you board certified by the ABPS?
  2. Do you specialize in the eyelid lift procedure?
  3. How many eyelid lift surgeries have you performed?
  4. Do you have recent before and after photos I can see?
  5. Do you teach other surgeons or give lectures on certain techniques?
  6. How do you stay current with the latest technology and techniques?

If you are interested in the eyelid lift procedure in either Colorado or Dubai, please schedule a consultation with expert eyelid surgeon Dr. Edmon P. Khoury. Please call (720) 475-8400 or fill out our online contact form today.

SmartLifting™ Laser Assisted Facelifts comes to Denver


Denver’s Laser Assisted Facelifts

We are excited to announce that Denver Cosmetic Surgery is the only center in the West to be performing laser assisted facelifts – SmartLifting™. Dr. Khoury is one of only 5 surgeons in the country performing these procedures. He will also be one of the national and international instructors training new surgeons on this revolutionary new technique.

SmartLifting was discovered by Dr. Richard Gentile in Ohio a few years ago. He applied the laser from a Smart Liposuction machine to the undersurface of the facial skin through a small incision less than 1cm. Prior to that, the laser was being utilized in the neck with great success, but not on the face. Dr. Gentile, a friend and colleague of Dr. Khoury has since refined the technique to allow the laser to assist in face lift procedures. This is the first major technological advancement in facelifts for over 20 years. It allows for shorter operating time, less bruising and swelling, increased safety, less complications, quick recovery, and greater skin tightening.

SmartLifting is not to be confused with the trade named minilifts that exist today, such as Quicklift, Lifestyle Lift or the Lunch Time Lift. SmartLifting is a totally different technique that can be applied in several ways, but all have one common principle, utilizing the Smartlipo Laser (made by Cynosure) to the under surface of the skin. This is the opposite of what we are used to doing, applying the laser to the surface of the skin. The four major applications include:

Laser Facial Sculpting™: This is the most minimal invasive application. It essentially applies the laser under the skin of the face with targeted liposuction. This is performed through 2-3 small 1cm incisions.

SmartLook™: Is the inside/outside use of laser. The laser is used, as in laser facial sculpting, under the skin, then followed by surface laser resurfacing with a fractional carbon dioxide laser.

UltraMiniLift™: This is a mini face lift performed with the laser. The major advantage over a non laser assisted minilift is the greater degree of skin tightening long term.

Laser SmartLift™: This is a laser assisted facelift that offers a full facelift result, but within the least invasive setting.

If you are interested in finding out more about SmartLifting, visit our website DenverCosmeticSurgery.Com or call for a complimentary consult with Dr. Khoury. He will explain and present in detail the benefits of this new technique.

Denver Laser Resurfacing

Denver Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing (also known as a laser peel) is a great way to improve facial skin irregularities. Depending on the type of laser used, improvements to texture, pigmentation, wrinkles, acne scars, tone, and looseness in the skin should be realized.  Here at Denver Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Khoury uses most of the popular lasers on the market, which helps him to provide every option possible to his patients. Some of the lasers he uses include:
• Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser
• Fractional carbon dioxide (CO2) laser
• Sciton erbium laser
Dr. Khoury uses the best laser for the specific needs of each individual patient and can meet almost every patient’s expectations.  The only limiting factor is the duration of recovery. The average down-time is between 5 to 7 days for the most extensive procedures, but patients are expected to be red or pink for a few weeks. This is easily covered with make-up, once cleared by Dr. Khoury  — usually at one week. These new lasers also minimize the complications that were observed using older machines, such as hyperpigmentation, scarring and delayed healing.

Laser resurfacing is a great option for patients who are not ready for more invasive procedures, such as a face lift or eye lid procedure. Laser resurfacing does not have to performed on the entire face.  It can be targeted to certain facial areas, such as the perioral (around the mouth) or the periorbital areas (around the eyes). Laser resurfacing is one of the best methods to address the wrinkles around the mouth.

Visit us at our Denver Cosmetic Surgery Website for more information about laser resurfacing and all the other facial procedures we offer.  Call us at 303-803-1000 for a free consultation.

Denver Facelift Procedures, Part 2

Denver Facelift Procedures, Part 2

The three basic types of facelifts being performed today are:


As the name suggests, a mini-lift is the least invasive of all facelifts. Younger patients with early aging changes in their jaw line are the best candidates for this type of lift. A mini-lift will not adequately address significant aging changes in the neck or cheek area. It is performed through limited incisions in front of the ear to target the underlying muscle layer (SMAS) in a more limited fashion.

This less invasive type of facelift does not necessarily mean minimal results.  Whether a mini-lift is the right choice for a patient depends on the degree of aging that needs to be addressed.  Ideal patients for a mini-lift have not fully aged.  A mini-lift should not be performed on a patient who needs a more extensive facelift, though.  Such a patient would likely only see minimal results.

Standard Facelift

A standard facelift is the most commonly performed facelift.  It is also known as a regular facelift, an intermediate facelift, an extended SMAS facelift, and a traditional facelift. This type of facelift addresses aging in the jaw line and moderate neck laxity, which is why incisions typically go around the ear to allow the surgeon access to both areas. Recovery is longer than for a mini-lift, but not by much time. The muscle layer (SMAS) is addressed and mobilized in a more thorough fashion compared to a mini-lift.  This prolongs the result and restores the youthful contours of the face and neck.

Full Facelift

A full facelift is the gold standard for patients with extensive aging in the cheeks, jaw line, and neck.  It is also known as a deep plane facelift.  A full facelift addresses the drooping soft tissue apparent in an aging face. It is the most effective procedure and has the longest recovery time, typically 10 to14 days before a patient resumes public life. The incisions are the same as those used in a standard facelift, but the scope of surgery is broader.

Trademarked facelifts, for example the “Lifestyle Lift®,” have catchy names that provide a branding mechanism. Most of these lifts fall into the mini-lift category, but they may also cross-over into a standard facelift, depending on the surgeon. Since they are mainly mini-lifts, they are less involved and “quick,” theoretically able to be performed over a “lunch time break,” which provides the basis for many of the names. From a technical standpoint, there is nothing unique about them other than the name. Regardless of the name, what is important to ascertain is the extent of the surgery and whether the muscle layer (SMAS) is being appropriately addressed. No facelift will last if the SMAS is not appropriately addressed.

My knowledge of facelifts comes from performing over 2,000 of them.  Most have been standard facelifts, with the rest equally divided between full facelifts and mini-lifts. What differentiates me from many cosmetic surgeons is my ability to perform most facelifts under local anesthesia (like at the dentist) with the patient awake and comfortable. This reduces the anesthetic risk, speeds recovery, and reduces the cost.   I offer patients their choice of setting – local anesthesia, sedation or general anesthesia – to match their preferences.  Why settle for a minlift when you can get a standard lift under the same settings and recovery period.

Facelifts are my passion.  Having performed such a large number of them, I have an appreciation for the aesthetic needs that are unique to every patient. It is not enough to merely perform the core maneuvers that constitute a facelift.  A cosmetic surgeon must also address the subtle differences of each patient and include fine touches to create an amazing and natural result.

Denver Facelift Specialist

Denver Facelift Procedures, Part 1

Facelift terminology in Denver can be confusing, especially in today’s market with the introduction of attention-grabbing, catchword branded facelifts. I decided to blog about facelift terminology after noticing how confused many patients are about the variety of facelift brands and names. My goal is to provide you with a set of terms that will help you better understand facelifts.

A facelift is the best method to rejuvenate an aging face.   In general, all facelifts – whether minimally-invasive or more extensive – are technically lower facelifts. They address the changes associated with aging in the lower two-thirds of the face – namely the cheeks and jaw line (the “jowls”).  They may also indirectly improve some aging changes in the neck. The eyelid and forehead areas and more direct changes to the neck are addressed through separate procedures, which may be performed alone or in combination with a facelift.

When patients use the term “full facelift,” they often are referring to multiple procedures – for example, a facelift and a forehead lift or a facelift with an eyelift. When most surgeons use the term “full facelift,” they are usually referring to the most extensive type of lower facelift, described below.

There are three basic types of facelifts:

mini-lift, a standard facelift and a full facelift.  Each type is intended to address different degrees of sagging and aging that may have occurred.  A patient should realize an exceptional result if the appropriate lift is performed. In addition, subtle maneuvers and variations within each technique allow for a unique result.

Regardless of the type of facelift, a few important elements are essential to a great result:

• Addressing the muscle layer that sags with aging (known as the SMAS muscle in medical terms) so that it is “lifted” back into position, rejuvenating the face.
• A natural appearance to the facelift.  The goal is to look youthful and natural. The most amazing facelift results do not reveal any hints of surgery. Comments such as, “You look well rested – did you just return from vacation?” or “Did you do something to your hair?” should be the norm. A patient should not receive the question, “Did you have a facelift?”
• All incisions should be placed so that they are well concealed and, once fully healed, virtually undetectable.  In general, an incision in front of the ear allows a surgeon access to the cheeks and jaw line.  An incision behind the ear allows access to the neck.
• A patient-physician relationship built on trust and mutual understanding. A patient must feel comfortable and at ease with his or her surgeon. Otherwise, the outcome and experience may be less than optimal.
• Reasonable expectations from the patient.
• Appropriate follow-up course and care.

Part 2 of this post coming soon!!!

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